Have you got an APEX or Profilux lighting controller? Want to use it with an LED driver that only accepts 5V PWM? Here's how to get around the problem. Build your own 10V Analog/ 5V PWM convertor! This convertor uses the ever popular Atmel328 micro-controller as an Analog to digital convertor, so if you're familiar with Arduino based projects it should be easy. Here's a photo of the finished convertor-
I've attached all the project files including the firmware and a parts list. The Gerber files can be sent directly to ITeadstudios in China for PcB production
The Board (.brd) and schematic (.sch) files can be viewed and modified by using the EAGLE software. Don't have EAGLE? Get the freeware version here-
http://www.cadsoftusa.com/downloads/?language=enThe software used to program the convertor was written in Arduino 23. You can down load the Arduino IDE here-
http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software ( look for version 23. Arduino 1.0 and up is not compatible)
I'll answer more specific questions if needed, so just give me a yell!